Hey new friends!

Below, you’ll find several resources for your continued exploration, including downloadable workbooks, recommended reading, podcast episodes, videos, and more. We’d love to continue the conversation about how your creative, embodied, bold Vital Voice can get you where you want to go…

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Recommended Reading

Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski — If we could afford to buy a copy of this book for literally every woman we’ve ever met, we would. That’s how good it is: the funniest, frankest, and most useful explanation of the stress cycle we've ever read. Don’t miss Emily’s other book, Come As You Are.

Build Your Dream Network by Kelly Hoey — a dead practical guide to building the life you want by building and nurturing real, meaningful connections and relationships . . . from a TRUE expert.

Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career by Kristi Coulter — Kristi’s un-put-down-able memoir about her time as an executive with Amazon . . . the work culture dynamics she navigates as a smart, creative, self-critical, high-performing woman are fascinating, validating, hilarious, gasp-worthy, and inspiring. We texted each other whole passages at a time while reading it.

The Power of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion That Will Change the Way You Live, Learn, and Lead by Monica Parker — This book was absolutely life changing. It not only contains powerful evidence that leaning into pleasure, ease and joy benefits our health, our careers, our relationships, and our happiness, it goes deeply into how to get our brains to switch from sympathetic nervous system activation (fight or flight) to our parasympathetic system (rest and digest) where our brains are most primed to connect to both ideas and to each other. Learn to identify and cultivate more wonder in your own life.

The Second Circle by Patsy Rodenberg — Excellent thoughts on where effective communication comes from, and how to apply it real life situations.

Cringeworthy by Melissa Dahl — A beautifully researched, personal, compassionate, and often hilarious look at the science of awkwardness, the stress response, social cues, and bravery. Full of useful information!

Hustle and Float by Rahaf Harfoush — A fascinating deep dive in the origins of “hustle culture” and why it’s actually NOT helping us with . . . anything? If you need a scientifically-backed reason to take more breaks, here it is.

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel KahnemanThis book changed how we talk about our marvelous, messy, wonderful brains forever, and we guarantee it will blow your mind.

Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D. — Ever thought “I’m not good at anything” or even “What I’m good at isn’t meaningful/important/cool?” These gentlemen are here to tell you that you ARE good at things, and that when you stop dwelling on your weaknesses, those specific strength areas have a lot to offer the world. We found the quiz scarily and exhilaratingly accurate.

The Myth of the Nice Girl by Fran Hauser — In THE MYTH OF THE NICE GIRL, Fran Hauser deconstructs the negative perception of "niceness" that many women struggle with in the business world. 

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Recommended Listening

Here are a few of our favorite episodes from our podcast, VOICE(is), and there’s a lot more where that came from! Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

‘OLOGIES: Fearology Episode Part 1 — This hour-long episode (and its 50- minute follow-up) is full of some of the most useful, fascinating, and instantly applicable advice on fear/nerves/stress that we’ve ever found, and it introduced us to our friend Mary Poffenroth. Seriously — take a listen. (We also love Allie Ward’s episodes on sports psychology, personality tests, and linguistics.)

Helpful Videos

After a wildly busy spring full of working with groups last year, we HAD to share our findings.

Do not miss this gorgeous animated illustration of the 360 breath!

Vox’s brilliant deconstruction of the stereotype about Asian people mixing up R’s and L’s — and a great look at how we develop our articulators within languages!

Speech/Language Pathologist and Voice Pro Christine Estes gets “scoped” while speaking in full voice and in vocal fry — check out the difference!

It’s really incredible to watch the vocal tract and articulators at work.

Got questions? Want to explore how we might work together? We can’t wait to learn more about you.