SENSUAL with Darshana Avila: The pleasures of your body, the erotic as more than sexual, and the collective power of feeling good

Julie and Casey sit down with Erotic Wholeness coach Darshana Avila to discuss pleasure as a nutrient, a “more than sexy” definition of erotic, the importance of self- AND community care, and the ultimate cure for burnout. Along the way, we get into why the Powers That Be don’t want us to be embodied — and how staying connected to and feeling pleasure in your body may be one of the most powerful ways we can disrupt oppressive systems.

Check out our brand new VVT Workbooks! The POWER/PLAY Communication Manifesto and How to Rehearse guide can be found here. 


  • “Erotic” as Darshana defines it is encompassing of sexuality, but so much more: our bodies as sensors, our world as full of sensory experiences, and our creativity and life force and desire and connection. “Wholeness” is about the work of knowing, exploring, and integrating all of our humanity.

  • The body / brain disconnect is systemic — we’re told that we ARE our brains, our productivity, our striving, etc, and that our bodies are only for utilitarian purposes. The principle weapon of systems of oppression is disconnect from the body. When we disconnect from the body, we disconnect from pleasure, and pleasure is an essential nutrient.

  • The “cure” for burnout is about building up resources in and for your nervous system — and that requires, once again, turning toward our bodies. While our nervous system is definitely a “brain thing”, our entire bodies are enervated by this system. It also requires turning toward our communities and relationships . . . this is something we simply can’t do for ourselves.

  • LESSON: How (and why) to find pleasure in creating sound with your voice.


Darshana Avila is nurturing a culture of Erotic Wholeness. 

As an internationally recognized speaker, coach and facilitator, Darshana supports women and couples in exploring and reshaping their relationships to intimacy, sex and eroticism. She created the Map to Erotic Wholeness to weave together a somatic, justice-oriented and relational style of guidance, rooted in nature-based and trauma-informed wisdom. Erotic Wholeness is a path to personal liberation in service to our collective sexual liberation. 

Darshana believes “we are erotic by nature.”

Known for her grounded, candid and loving approach, Darshana meets people in some of the most tender parts of themselves. Her methods breakdown barriers, unlock a greater authenticity and enjoyment and provide a pathway to realize your innate erotic power. 

Combining the laboratory of her own life with extensive study and a decade of profound private practice experience, Darshana is dedicated to changing the way we talk, think, and act when it comes to sex and eroticism. 

Darshana has been interviewed by several groundbreaking podcasts, and can often be found sharing the stage with other experts and influencers on IG Live. In October 2021, she was featured on the Netflix Series: Sex, Love & goop. 


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