Speaking, presence, and communication experts.
Vital Voice Training offers public speaking and communication coaching for leaders to express themselves with confidence, clarity, and charisma — without imitating someone else’s idea of what leaders are “supposed” to sound like.
We want to help you use your voice with ease, with presence, with power, with humor, with joy, with fire, in all the contexts you need it.
What do we mean by Vital Voice Training?
Is this about the sound of your voice? Sure. AND…
Your words. Your physicality and body language. Your presence. How you put together your ideas, express yourself, and connect while speaking in public, in one-on-one conversation and in front of a crowd.
Learning how to use your voice is so much bigger than getting rid of ums or uhs or likes or “sorry” or vocal fry or upspeak.
It’s so much deeper — and so much more interesting! — than learning how to put on your “serious voice” so people will take you seriously.
Your voice is your aural fingerprint. It’s made up of everything that makes you you. And your voice communicates what makes you you.
Want to get to know what stepping into the most confident version of your voice can DO for you?

“Working with Casey & Julie absolutely TRANSFORMED my approach to public speaking!
I went from rushing to get through each talk to truly enjoying my time on stage, feeling more present in my own unique self and personality, and being generous with my audience. It was a huge ‘a-ha!’ for me and simultaneously set off a snowball of new opportunities. Vital Voice Training helped me to identify my own unique voice and amplify it to the next level. Plus, they are just so fun to hang out with (and fun is the true secret sauce to success)!”
– Piera Gelardi, cofounder of Refinery 29
Learn more about Casey and Julie, and find out what makes Vital Voice Training different for speakers and leaders.
We love diving DEEP on thorny topics like authenticity and executive presence – and blowing up the status quo.
“You gave us those tools . . . and it opened up a new world for me — what it feels like to just be in the moment."