#myvoiceis Interview with Mary Reed

Editors note: Here at Vital Voice Training, we believe in empowering all voices.  With #myvoiceis we want to talk about what you are PROUD of about your voice and the people who have contributed to who you are.  We are giving away a three session package to encourage people to spread the love, not the criticism!  Details here:  vitalvoicetraining.com/myvoiceis

Please welcome Mary Reed!  As a professional organizer, Mary is your go to when it comes to putting order to your life.  Details on how to get in touch with her at the end of the post.  Thank you for sharing your voice with us!

My Voice Is…inquisitive, enthusiastic, and welcoming.

The thing I love most about my voice is…my voice sounds really young and almost little-girlish, but it also has a commanding presence. When I speak in a group setting, I can tell people are paying attention and respecting me, despite having a "little" voice.

The thing I hate most about my voice is…when I'm nervous or afraid, it's hard to speak with my true voice. My true voice regresses and I start to sound like I'm in middle school again.

When is a time you felt really proud about speaking up? I was working on a project with two coworkers, one male and one female. The man made a suggestion, which my female coworker had just made two minutes ago when he wasn't listening. I pointed this out politely but firmly. I felt amazing for sticking up for another woman and helping to make her voice heard.

What other languages do you speak? A little bit of French, but not nearly enough to have a conversation, as I sadly learned on a trip to Paris two years ago!

Who is the person who has most influenced your voice? [Can't think of an answer. Sorry!]

If you could speak to your younger self about her voice, what would you tell her? The more you use your voice, the more confident you'll feel about it.

Some things that have helped me build confidence in my voice over the years: contributing to the discussion in lecture classes in college, being a college radio DJ, giving presentations at work, talking to people at networking events and realizing that they are even more shy than I am, karaoke, and filming youtube videos!

Mary Reed, professional organizer, works with clients one-on-one to solve home organization challenges. As the former occupant of a 250-square-foot studio, she's an expert at downsizing and making the most of small spaces. She loves sharing in her clients' joy and relief after tackling an overwhelming project!





Public speaking, failure, public speaking coaches, public speaking coaching, authenticity, Vital Voice Training, Casey Erin Clark, Julie Fogh, communication specialists


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